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fiscal resources中文是什么意思

用"fiscal resources"造句"fiscal resources"怎么读"fiscal resources" in a sentence


  • 财源


  • Fiscal resources incoordination in initial assignment was not corrected in inter - governmental fiscal relations , specially sub - provincial levels
  • According to the analytic frame of macroeconomics , the fiscal resources must be firstly and clearly calculated , which is called meterage analysis
  • Using the data from the system of national accounts ( sna ) , the boundary of fiscal resources are confirmed . the mobilization coefficients are confirmed by the analytic hierarchy process ( ahp ) and modified by delphi
  • Under the re - integration of revenue assignment in the 1994 tss reform , fiscal centralization reform has resulted in revenue core outwards , from budgetary to extra - budgetary resources at counties level and from fiscal to extra - fiscal resources at townships level
  • Restrained by fiscal resources , how to perfect fiscal agricultural support system and to raise fiscal agricultural support efficiency is the main problem that must be resolved for reforming china fiscal agricultural support policy and perfecting support fund management
  • As far as china current fiscal resources , absolute scale and relative scale of public agricultural support are all in normal level , so it has more practical significance to stress on steady increasing of aggregate support than to stress on enlarging the relative scale of agricultural support
  • The chapter gives a presentation of enterprise ' s asset simply at first . not only the asset includes enterprise ' s fiscal resources , but also it includes all resources that could be used and profitable including material resources , manpower resources and structure resources
  • With an analysis on the contribution of fiscal decentralization initiated in the 1980s to the economic growth in china , this paper argues that fiscal decentralization has not raised the growth of real gdp at the province level at all round . but to some extent , it has raised the growth of real gdp of the lower income sector such as ningxia . by comparative study of china demonstrates how the allocation of fiscal resources between the central and local governments has affected economic growth since reforms began in the late 1980s . we also find that a higher degree of fiscal decentralization of is associated with lower provincial economic growth over the past twenty years at all round
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